Saturday, May 19, 2012

Living Water

As someone who lived in a 1st world nation I didn’t realize how much of my life revolves around water, until I moved to a third world nation. And even then I didn’t realize how precious water is until our water tank went dry!!!  We are living in an old hostel/children’s home so we have a nice big rain water collection tank, (because the house is big there is lots of roof area to feed the gutters which direct the water into the tank).
So with such a big holding tank, no need to worry that it hasn’t rained significantly for a couple weeks, right???  WRONG.  For some unknown reason we ran out of water several weeks ago.  Not sure if there is a small leak in the tank due to some recent earthquakes or what, but we had no water.  So we had to switch to RAM water, which is really muddy river water.  And this water isn’t treated at ALL.  It is used by nationals for washing dishes, clothes and themselves and there is no EPA to decide what gets dumped into the water or the ground. So yes the water is nasty to say the least.