Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Hands and Feet if Jesus

The other day we were listening to a speaker who told us a story of a Papua New Guinean who walked onto our center that week, looking for a missionary who could tell him more about Jesus.

The story impacted my heart and got me thinking of several things:

·         How many times, especially in America, are we “too busy” to stop and tell people about Jesus?

·         With American culture the way it is, would anybody be that bold to ask the question, genuinely wanting to find the answers? Or perhaps a better question is, if there be someone so innocent as to ask?

·         With all the political correctness, tolerance and diversity issues, would we even know how to speak the truth about Jesus, or would be too scared to “offend” someone?

It was a great reminder that we live in a fallen world and people desire the truth, and people need Jesus!

Many of you know my aversion to speaking in public. And my gifting is not proclaiming “Jesus is Lord” from the corner market. I would rather build a relationship and plant the seeds. If this person seeking Jes