Oops! I've found that when I hurt myself badly, I usually have about 60 seconds before I start to feel a little queasy. So I folded my finger back onto my hand and walked swiftly to the kitchen and ran it under some water. After looking at it, I decided that I should go to the ER to get it stitched up. Ruth was in Seattle at a Children's Ministry Conference so I called for Meliah to round up the kids in the van so we could all go in together.
Meliah was great! when she saw what I had done, she got me band-aid and wash cloths to wrap up my hand, then she got the kids in the van. She even volunteered to drive! I considered it for a minute, but she's only 14 and no learner's permit. We live about 20 minutes from the nearest emergency room, and I was feeling good enough to make the drive in.
About 10 minutes into the trip, I started feeling a lot better and the queasiness left. By the time I got to the ER entrance, my once-white wash cloths were the beautiful color of bright red!
The ER got me processed and let me know I had severed the nerves, some of the tendons, and cut a little into the joint capsule. They stitched the wound up but said I would need to talk to a specialist to see about fixing all the inside parts.
Saw the specialist yesterday and they said it would be a difficult fix but they were confident that they could do it. The recovery sounds like a major pain though! I tried to talk the doc into just removing the pinky instead of paying for an expensive surgery and dealing with the long recovery. But he refused! I'm sure there is a back alley doc that I could get to do it. Of course, I have another new blade for the knife... :)
Actually, the thing that convinced me to keep my finger was when the doc explained that you actually get a lot of your gripping strength from the pinky being there. So, I'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow and will just have to deal with 6-8 weeks of therapy to get my mobility back.
Good thing I did this with enough time to get surgery and heal up good before we move to Ukarumpa! I'm sure the clinic down there is great, but this may have been a little more than they could handle.
The moral of the story? Always cut AWAY from the rest of your body! And it only takes a split second mistake with a sharp knife to create weeks or months of consequences.
But, I know we only get these bodies for a while. It will all turn to dust eventually. Romans 6:13 tells us that God has given us a body to be used as an "instrument" or "tool" for His glory while we live here in this fallen world for a short time. The Bible instructs us to care for our bodies as gifts from God. So we need to take good care of them and not intentionally damage them. But if damage does happen, I recognize that it's not really my body to begin with, it's God's, and that helps me to be less concerned about the physical. God wants for us to keep our bodies working "enough" so that we can continue to be used to fulfill His purposes, and I think I can keep trying to do that just fine with a missing or messed up finger. People have sure done the Lord's work with a lot worse.
All that to say, it's just a finger and in the big scheme of things, it's really not that important.
Update From the Day of Surgery
They didn't tell me that I was going to come home with a giant club on my arm! Now I can't use any of my fingers on my left hand, and I have to wear this until after Easter weekend!!! Plus, I have to somehow keep it elevated for 3 days. This is going to be really tough for me to keep clean and dry. This does not make me happy. Well, I guess I can only blame myself.
The only thing that makes it bearable is my beautiful and caring wife and family. They are taking great care of me.
Well, enough complaining and whining, I'm going to bed and sleep it off :(
Bummer! I went to grab the steering wheel, felt something funny in my hand and sure enough, the pinky finger doesn't wiggle anymore! I had noticed after the surgery that I could wiggle it inside all the bandages, which gave me a lot of hope, but now it won't move at all. I guess that means the tendon repair failed.
ReplyDeleteI already have an appointment Monday morning, so I'll take to the doc to see what options are left. Blast!
Off to the second surgery this morning. If they can still fix it then I'm going to tie my arm to my body for a couple weeks so I don't even think about using it! If they can't fix it cause it's too shredded, then they'll just sew it back up.
ReplyDeleteDown the line sometime, once my finger's swelling and healing is done, I can get that last joint in the pinky fused so it doesn't just flop around.
I guess the good news is that I get to keep my little finger either way!
The bad news is that I was going nuts with that bandage on for two weeks, and now I have to wear it again. But I have plenty of desk work that should keep me busy. Just hope I don't get cabin fever and drive my family crazy. :)
Well, It's been just about 2 months since I cut my pinky finger. And besides a pretty stiff finger due to scar tissue buildup, I am back to 100% full duty now! Yeah! Boy I sure don't want to go through that again. Thanks for all your prayers.