The year started out with Annakah turning 13, and a water slide party to celebrate!
Anna and Dad have really taken to rappelling together.
Anna has enjoyed being on horses and would do it 24/7 if possible!
Anna took a Home Ec. class in school. So now she loves to experiment in the kitchen. This is her and a friend that made a giant cinnamon roll together. Yummy!!!
Book Parade is in March at the Primary Campus. Kiery dressed up as Sister Bear from the Berenstein Bears books. This is a yearly highlight for 2 weeks at the Primary Campus.
The 3 girls together enjoying each other.
Meliah has been unable to take drivers ed at the school, due to scheduling conflicts. But Chad has been given her "unoffical" lessons in the car, the Tuk-Tuk and the Motorcycle.
This is when we became a "family" of 8 for about a month. I think all the girls had fun together, but mom and dad were tired after it was all over.
Meliah has enjoyed playing softball while we have been in Ukarumpa. She has also continued playing volleyball, and basketball.
Kiery, as like many other kids, loves recess time at school!
Sports day fun at the Primary Campus, lots of fun for all the children to practice some skills they have learned in PE class
Papua New Guinea celebrates their independence from Australia on September 16th. This is a celebration that we attended in honor of this freedom.
The secondary Campus puts on a carnival each year to raise money for a charity in country. This year the money went towards Lae City mission, An AIDS orphanage. Meliah and her senior class went there to serve the beginning of December.
Kiery loves to go exploring with Daddy any chance she can. This is a hole they discovered out by the horse paddocks. .
Chad has the opportunity to play fireman occasionally on center. The children at the Primary Campus enjoyed a visit from the "local fire department."
Chad looks forward to every Sunday afternoon for a game of Ultimate Frisbee. He does this rain or shine, the muddier it is the happier he is.
Chad is still teaching drivers ed at the Secondary Campus for an hour daily. He is disappointed that he won't be able to teach Meliah in the class this coming semester because her schedule didn’t have room for the class.
I think Chad holds the record for how many times he has been to Mt. Wilhelm in a 2 1/2 year time span. He has gone a total of 3 times and organized and lead all of them.
Chad and Meliah were able to go to the states for 5 weeks in the "summer" to look at colleges. They had a lot of fun exploring and building memories together.

One of the highlights of their trip was to take Segway on the Mall in Washington DC
The School year began in July for the 2013-2014. Anna is grade 8, Kiery grade 3 and Meliah grade 12. Myself am helping in grade 2.
Chad had the opportunity to re-baptize Meliah. As she has grown in her faith she wanted to tell the world she is sold out for Jesus Christ. We are so very proud of Meliah and her continued walk with the Lord.
Ruth had the opportunity to go to Cairns, Australia with a really good friend. We both had "routine" dr. visits, and planned a lot of shopping and fun. Even though the trip didn't go entirely as planned, we had a wonderful time. Here we are with some Australian friends that treated us to “Cold Rock” ice cream the Australian version of “Cold Stone”. It was so yummy!!!!!! What happens in Cairns, stays in Cairns, right Lori.
December brings Kiery's 9th Birthday and Jesus' Birthday.
Yes, of course you can have a water slide birthday party with all the girls in your class, as long as Daddy can join in on the fun!
Kiery and Anna working together on a Gingerbread House, we were pleasantly surprised when the store had graham crackers and other lollies (candies) to do this fun activity.
Kiery surprised us all that she wanted to be a part of the Christmas program on Christmas Eve. She wanted a speaking part, the requirement was to speak slowly, clearly and loudly so the people in the back of the Meeting House could hear her. Remember this is the child that could hardly speak the words yes and no in preschool, because she was so shy. She did such a great job at being a Ballerina, Angel in the play titled “The Deepest Love”.
Chad, Ruth, Meliah, Annakah,and Kiernan Michael
Ephesians 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
This is our family year in review. As we look to 2014, Anna will turn 14 yrs old in a few days. Meliah will turn 18 yrs old in May & graduate from High School in June. Then start on her journey of the college life. Thank you for your continued prayers for each of us. We look forward, Lord willing, to share some of our stories with many of you after June 2014.
Chad, Ruth, Meliah, Annakah,and Kiernan Michael
Ephesians 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
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