Our family worked on a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle off and on
over the Christmas break. I’ve been thinking about the puzzle “experience” and
how life is like a puzzle in so many ways…

As more of the pieces snap into place, you start to see a
clearer picture forming and it can be a very satisfying feeling. But then you
can be caught off guard by “life happenings” and other distractions. Pieces are
not going where you think they should go, or you discover that one you
“thought” fit in a certain place really doesn’t go there at all. The busyness
of life comes upon you and you can’t “work” on the puzzle for a while and it
just sits and gathers dust. In the midst of all the activity, you may even
loose a piece here or there, never to be found again. When you are juggling
thoughts of furlough, college prep things, work, and just trying to keep up
with all the different “things of life”, some stuff may fall through the
cracks, and get lost in the shuffle.

You feel like you are getting somewhere on this puzzle, but
you are also feeling like you just want it to be done. To be done with the
clutter and scattered pieces. But you realize that when you look ahead at
something that is in the future, you find it hard to keep focus on the day to
day activities. The stress of anticipating the future and balancing the needs
of the present can make your thoughts get jumbled up to where you’re not even
sure it’s worth all the hard work to see the finished picture.
In spite of all that, you persist, and the puzzle is nearly
finished now. Those final plans are being made, the picture is clearer and you
can see why God said wait on something or you need to work on this area instead
of that.

Aren’t you glad God doesn’t throw us away like we would
throw a puzzle with missing pieces away? God keeps working with us and
trying to get all the pieces to work together. When it comes to the end
of my life, I pray that God will look at my completed life puzzle and say “Very
beautiful daughter of mine. Well done!” Even when life gets distracting and
pieces get misplaced or mishandled. God is always there to pick up the
pieces and lay them where they need to go.
Psalm 139:1,4,5,6,16 (TNIV)
You have searched me,
and you know me.
Before a word is on my
you, Lord, know it
You hem me in behind
and before,
and you lay your hand
upon me.
Such knowledge is too
wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to
All the days ordained
for me were written in your book
before one of them
came to be.
How precious to me are
your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of
Were I to count them,
they would outnumber
the grains of sand-
when I awake, I am
still with you.
You threw it into the fire? Good thing God's fire REFINES us rather than incinerates us! :) See you soon!