I was walking through the house the other day and it struck me of all the different piles that are throughout the house.
Boxes of items we shipped via sea freight to PNG |
- The pile of paperwork next to computer.
- The pile of laundry that is waiting to be folded.
- The pile of stuff that will be loaded into suitcases, eventually.
- The pile of dishes waiting to be put in the dishwasher.
- The pile of to do list pile of sticky notes and other scraps of paper.
- The pile of school papers to glance at to then put in the recycle pile. Shhh don't tell the girls.
- The pile of things that I want to send to Meliah at college.
- The pile of stuff waiting to be donated.
- The pile of photo albums that are waiting to be scanned into the computer so we can have access to them while we are away.
Within most of these piles there are many decisions that need to be made or have been made. With many many more to follow.
God has been walking with me through these piles and at times carrying me through the piles. I have thought of the piles that we leave behind in life and pick back up so many times. Instead of leaving that pile at the foot of the cross forever.
1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your cares upon Him. " Or in this analogy Cast all your piles of stuff on Him.
When dealing with all the different piles there are days or moments that you want to just plow through them and get as much done as possible. And other times you want to kick the pile to the side and say out of sight out of mind. Then there are times you are so wanting to go to the next step and you have to WAIT.... Yeah not my favorite thing to do in life.... You can't purchase the airline tickets because you are WAITING for the work permit and then the visa to come through. You are WAITING to put winter things away because maybe winter will come back and actually give us snow-much to Chad's delight.
God has kept the verse in the for front of my mind A LOT lately.
Proverbs 3: 5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.
So even when I think this is the way this circumstance should go. I need to stop and trust that God has it ALL under control and he sees the big picture. When looking back I will see Ahhh that is why we had to wait on........... not just to give me more gray hair but because of......
There is always a reason. Reminds me of a country song that says, "One thing I know for sure, is that God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you." This speaks to how sometimes in the midst of the challenges of life, we don't see how God is at work at the time, but we can trust that He is at work and blessing our sincere hearts.
Thank you for your continued prayers,
Chad, Ruth and girls
There is always a reason. Reminds me of a country song that says, "One thing I know for sure, is that God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you." This speaks to how sometimes in the midst of the challenges of life, we don't see how God is at work at the time, but we can trust that He is at work and blessing our sincere hearts.
Thank you for your continued prayers,
Chad, Ruth and girls
Ayurvedic Bawasir Relief Capsule is an herbal formulation that contains an off-white to white powder that is filled into hard gelatin capsule shells. These capsules have the ability to naturally induce effects in the digestive tract to reduce inflammation and relieve portal pressure. These are suitable for both men and women and can be taken twice daily. The Ayurvedic Bawasir Pain Relief Formula is a safe and effective treatment for piles.