The much anticipated Banquet of 2014 happened this last weekend here in Ukarumpa. |
Chad was involved in many different aspects of Banquet. Chad made a cannon shooting booth. It was called Cannon Blast. Chad was also in the skit that the parents put on to honor the grade 12 students. Chad was also asked to be a waiter for the dinner that night.
Mom was apart of some of the Banquet prep for the week and had lots of odd and end jobs the night of, helping with serving up food, taking pictures. |
Lots of hard work from the parents went into making the Teen Center transformed into "Treasure Island" There were boats made, a Tiki bar, Bowling with coconuts, a couple different craft things to make, sword fighting wii play, lots of different things to keep the grade 11 and 12 busy all night long.

Of course we couldn't have a blog with out Anna doing something with horses. This is a river ride that happens occasionally here with other horse loving kids. |
Anna made a guitar out of wood for a project for Science. Dad and her had a lot of fun creating this project. |
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"Where is Anna?" She climbed into this tree to get some "Passion Fruit" |
Surprise Meliah!!! The whole grade 12 class help us throw a surprise birthday party for Meliah the beginning of May. She was shocked and very much surprised. A young couple in our community offered to make Meliah a penguin cake for this special occasion.
Kiery and Anna having fun with senior hoodies |
Kiery and a friend playing in the rain in a nature made water slide. True MK through and through these two. |
He is Risen
The girls Easter Morning standing in front of the cross that was put together by the community for Sunrise service.
Kiery was part of a dance Easter morning to Glorify God. |
Kiery with her fellow Sunday School classmates singing at church
Grade 8 Drama Fun |
Anna was part of a grade 8 drama that was performed for the community |
She did a great job in all 3 scenes she was in. She really enjoyed this opportunity |
Sports Day at the Secondary Campus

The girls participated in Jousting, Race walk, 3 legged race,a 100 meter dash. Go Beta, Beta!
Yes, there are 2 pictures of mom in this post! Miracles do still happen :) |

Kiery hopes you all enjoy the pictorial of the last few months of our crazy lives.
Hope to see many of you in just a few weeks time.
Chad, Ruth, Meliah, Anna and Kiery
I love you all! Can't wait to see you! Even if I am number 15! = ) Many prayers for you and hugs awaitin'. Jana