In the last few weeks, the to do list has had on it, to write a new blog. I have written out a couple while we were doing our travels but nothing has actually made it onto the computer. Then today as I read my last blog post preparing for this post, I was surprised that I had already talked about our crazy first weeks in America- yea the brain has started to go!
We have stayed in +15 hotels and gone through 16 different states. Done mass shopping not only for the college freshman but also for a sea freight shipment for our return to PNG.
As a family we have explored a zoo and a wild life park,
4 museums, A National Park and Monuments,
conquered 1 amusement park,
visited the Focus on the Family visitor center.
1 indoor water park,
and completed an debriefing as a family for missionaries, and a check on a Freshman international parent orientation,
thoroughly enjoyed a tour of Amish country-side.
Explored the American Girl store in Chicago,
went to where Laura Ingalls Wilder lived part of her childhood.
As we drove those many miles we spotted 42 different state's license plates from all around the country including 4 Providences of Canada. We did lots of other fun memorable experiences along the way. Including seeing a big turtle going across the highway in the middle of South Dakota.
In all that traveling we lived out of suitcases-I know that is an obvious deduction. In preparation of these travels we needed to keep our luggage weight to under 50 lbs so we wouldn't acquire extra fees. That doesn't seem too difficult in theory until you add in to the equation of moving your college freshman and many of her prized possessions clear across the country, and for the simple fact we were picking up our car in North Carolina and it had a small trunk. So packing became a logistical puzzle of trying to see what would fit where and how it would all work out.
Then it came time to just take our bags to the airport, which were within the 50 lbs. limit, and just pray that they would fit in the car in North Carolina.
Through all this packing and repacking and organizing before, during and after this trip. I was reminded again and again of how much extra baggage we may carry around with us as Christians. When the baggage needs to be a zero pounds,on the scale because Christ took it all from us on the cross. Us in our humaneness keep taking back the burdens from the arms of Christ. So our shoulders and souls ache with this burden.
Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Now that we have finished up the heaviest part of our furlough, I hope. We have entered into a semi-normal routine and adjusting to our family size of 4-
Figuring out the homeschooling world has been our focus in the last few weeks. Also trying to be more intentional about relationships with people and how "regular" life fits into all these components. As we do all this, I want to remember to travel light in my daily life because Gods grace is sufficient for me and he has taken care of the burdens.
TY for continuing to fill us in on your lives. Yes, you inspire us! We join in prayer that you will not get weary as you press into relationships and the mission He calls you to. Love you guys! Blair and Jana Ross